ToulouseLegal Counsel (m/f), Toulouse
Der Continental-Konzern gehört mit einem Umsatz von 26 Mrd Euro im Jahr 2010 weltweit zu den führenden Automobilzulieferern und beschäftigt derzeit rund 150.000 Mitarbeiter in 46 Ländern.
Die Division Powertrain integriert innovative und effiziente Systemlösungen rund um den Antriebsstrang. Das Produktportfolio reicht von Benzin- und Dieseleinspritzsystemen über Motor- und Getriebesteuerungen inklusive Sensoren und Aktuatoren sowie Kraftstofffördersysteme bis hin zu Komponenten und Systemen für Hybrid- und Elektroantriebe.
Ihre Aufgaben
The Legal Counsel will be an employee of Continental Automotive France SAS (Toulouse, France) and will be in charge of the legal support to the following businesses:
- Continental Automotive Trading France SAS, a company headquartered at Rambouillet (France) carrying out business in the automotive after-market sector in France and in Maghreb,
- The aftermarket activities of Continental Automotive Spain, a company headquartered at Madrid (Spain)
- Non-Production Purchasing in France i.e the purchasing activities relating mainly to the 3 Continental legal entities located in France that are active in the Automotive business. It can also include some support to other Continental legal entities in France that are active in the Tire or ContiTech businesses,
- Production Purchasing for Automotive in France,
- Continental Engineering Services (“CES” that delivers engineering services and products in the automotive field) for its locations of Porto (Portugal) and Toulouse (France).
Ihr Profil
- Business law degree (“Master II/DJCE”) as well as a foreign additional education (e.g. LL.M.),
- 6+ years international working experience as a business lawyer in a multinational law firm and/or counsel in a multinational corporation and in team management
- Working experience in a global team,
- Persuasiveness, ability to negotiate and draft contracts and effectively communicate legal and non-legal advice in a timely manner,
- Fluent in French and English. German would be a plus,
- Enthusiastic, enjoy working hard and being challenged, and demonstrate sound judgment even in ambiguous situations, self-dependent,
- High level of effective communication, self-reflection, result and customer orientation, team orientation
- Strategy understanding and support.
Offer archived at 10/03/2023
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