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Bayerische Milchindustrie eGOrt
Sophia AntipolisPostDoc Toxicologue Recherche NGRA (F/H/X), Sophia
Unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag
Veröffentlicht seit mehr als 4 Wochen
Bayerische Milchindustrie eG
Die Bayerische Milchindustrie eG ist ein führendes Unternehmen der deutschen Molkereiwirtschaft. Unser breitgefächertes Sortiment hochwertiger Milchprodukte stellen wir in neun Produktionsbetrieben in Bayern, Thüringen und Sachsen-Anhalt her.
Position Description
In the context of the new toxicity testing paradigm based on more (animal and human) cell-based assays and a comprehensive mechanistic understanding of cause-consequence relationships for adverse effects induced by (agro)chemicals, your role will be to develop, implement and apply new alternative methodologies (NAMs):
- Design, develop, and implement new in vitro methodologies and complex in vitro assays to predict potential in vivo adverse effects
- Establish toxicology and business relevant mediumto highthroughput in vitro test systems able to mimic the in vivo situation in order to quantify the risk in human beings
- Utilize advanced technologies to study biological and molecular processes: e.g., apply relevant biomarkers and use image analysis for quantification, perform biological assays to monitor cell behavior and function
- Biologist or Scientist with a PhD degree related to tissue engineering, biotechnology, systems biology, toxicology, or related disciplines.
- You have strong expertise in cellular models and morphological-molecular profiling. Proven hands-on experience with a variety of cell-based models and experience with different readouts along with state-of-the-art of imaging methods and molecular biology (immunostaining, confocal imaging, qPCR, flow cytometry, toxicogenomics etc.) will be looked at. Experience in toxicity assays with hepatocytes/neurons and/or experimental characterization and (ideally, mathematically description) of dose/concentration toxicity pathways would be a plus.
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